Category: Social Media
Becoming Part of a Cultural Conversation: #backtothefuture
Today is the day. Apparently. October 21, 2015. I have to admit, I never been much into this #backtothefuture hype. But other people are. Lots of them. It’s a significant part of (geek/nerd) culture. That’s why brands are, too. Tagesschau, one of Germany’s most prestigious, traditional, conservative, and credible news services found a way to tap into…
The Top 6 Things You Shouldn’t Waste Time On In 2014
We all like compiling lists (just take a look into your Twitter feed, there should be a few of them zipping around at that very moment), so I figured I’d compose one of my own. Today, on the eve of an exciting new year, I present to you: the top 6 things you shouldn’t waste time…
Wahlkampf auf dem Second Screen
Gerade flimmerte Jauch über den Bildschirm, als ich auf Twitter über @TatortWatch stolperte. Unabhängig davon, wie gut ich es finde, dass eine politische Organisation das Thema Tatort für sich claimt: es ist nicht so doof. Wahlkampf auf dem Second Screen Regelmäßige Twitter-User kennen die zahllosen Tweets, die den manchmal stümperhaft, manchmal gut ermittelnden Kommissaren und…
Uninspired: Instagram Adopts Facebook Design
Two topics dominated my Twitter timeline in the recent days: the elections in the USA (yay!) and the rollout of the all new Instagram web profiles (boo!). While I can understand why you would elect Obama as president, I don’t understand why you would apply the Facebook Cover design to Instagram web profiles. Now I…
How The Heart Of My Online Identity Got Ripped Out.
Last Monday morning I woke up into a virtual identity nightmare – again. Only this time much worse than back then, when only my Foursquare account seemed to have vanished. Much much worse, because I lost control over one of the most central pieces of my online identity: my Twitter account. I don’t know how…
Is Facebook Relying too Heavily on Other Services’ Content?
Have you ever wondered what Facebook is actually doing for you? Is it helping you with any of your real-life online or offline problems? Or is it just distracting you and becoming some kind of problem of its own? I don’t read or regard most of the status updates and shares of my Facebook friends.…
How Foursquare Stole My Identity.
I don’t know anyone working at Foursquare, yet I’m quite mad at them at this very moment. This morning I couldn’t log into my account, and later had to found out that my account might have been deleted. After a short moment of shock, I started wondering: What if Foursquare just deleted a valuable part…
3 Insights on Location-based Advertising
Advertising messages have always been sent through one or more channels. With the advent of new technologies there secretly is hope for new and better ways to reach specific target audiences. One of those developments is the rapid spread of GPS enabled smartphones and the growth of location-based services (LBS) that allow marketers for disseminate…