Tag: Innovation
An ad campaign for Tesla
Ad world has been waiting for this moment: Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk just announced that his company will try a little advertising in order to highlight lesser-known features in the company’s vehicles. Any advertising will have to be informative and aesthetically pleasing. Well, if this doesn’t sound like an open brief to me that invites…
Of edges, flying, and falling – or: how AI misleads strategists
A few weeks ago I went out for drinks (a rare occasion) and ended up chatting with a guy about work (a not so rare occasion). “Well, I’m going to lose my job soon”, he shrugged, taking a big swig of his drink. It was the first time that this conversation, the robots-taking-over-our-jobs conversation, hit…
Unfollow. Why following each other won’t get us nowhere new
Over the past weeks I tried to get back a bit more into my old “reading interesting stuff the industry is talking about” routine. Staying up to date on strategy, planning challenges, the industry and their thought leaders is, after all, part of what enables a strategist do to their job. Or at least that’s…
Why Innovation Really Eats Strategy For Breakfast.
It happens not very often, but every now and then I stumble upon an article that is pretty much complete bullshit. Usually, you discover at least something valuable in an article. Not this time. In his piece “Why innovation eats strategy for breakfast”, Josh Linkner argues that…well, that innovation beats strategy, because innovation changes the…
Patience Vs. Immediate Satisfaction
Triggered by two articles I have read in different blogs, and by a decision I recently had to make, I started to think about the concept of patience and how it influences the way we achieve and perceive progress and innovation. Or, put differently, it influences the way we treat others. The first article was…
Advertising Is A Ball Game
It’s easy to read disappointment or frustration into this post. But it’s probably more a naive curiosity that keeps me wondering why people in our business – the creative business – spend so much time preparing keynotes to back up our latest idea with successful examples of other agencies, companies, or organizations creations. (I said…