Category: Technology

  • How We Will Live Tomorrow

    This week I attended the TEDx conference in Hamburg. The subject: City 2.0. Speakers approached the topic with a wide angle, showing a wild mix of observations, theories, and ideas on how humankind will live (together) in the future. This will not be a precise report of Tuesday’s talks (you’ll find the videos here in…

  • Wahlkampf auf dem Second Screen

    Gerade flimmerte Jauch über den Bildschirm, als ich auf Twitter über @TatortWatch stolperte. Unabhängig davon, wie gut ich es finde, dass eine politische Organisation das Thema Tatort für sich claimt: es ist nicht so doof. Wahlkampf auf dem Second Screen Regelmäßige Twitter-User kennen die zahllosen Tweets, die den manchmal stümperhaft, manchmal gut ermittelnden Kommissaren und…

  • Game Over: 3 Reasons Why I Ditched My Nike Fuelband

    I have sold my Nike Fuelband. After about 30 days I just didn’t care anymore about my fuels, about my streak, about setting up new records. Why? I have a vague idea. The idea of the Fuelband had me hooked immediately. I’m an excessive user of the Nike+ running app. I hardly go for a…

  • Audi: Steering the Conversation on the Web

    Audi recently published its contribution to the Super Bowl advertising madness: a minute-long vampire party that gets smoking hot on arrival of the blood supply (see video below). Not so bad, you might think – but what I really liked about the spot is the hashtag integration at the end of the commercial: #SoLongVampires. They…

  • Patience Vs. Immediate Satisfaction

    Triggered by two articles I have read in different blogs, and by a decision I recently had to make, I started to think about the concept of patience and how it influences the way we achieve and perceive progress and innovation. Or, put differently, it influences the way we treat others. The first article was…

  • 3 Insights on Location-based Advertising

    Advertising messages have always been sent through one or more channels. With the advent of new technologies there secretly is hope for new and better ways to reach specific target audiences. One of those developments is the rapid spread of GPS enabled smartphones and the growth of location-based services (LBS) that allow marketers for disseminate…

  • Customers Matter. Not Technologies.

    I stumbled upon an interesting article on “Why the QR code is failing“, recommended today in my Twitter feed. The title is misleading because Sean X Cummings mentions halfway through his obervations that “it’s really not the QR codes fault: A QR code is a tool, nothing more”. It’s simple: A tool only can fail if…