Category: Advertising

  • Survey: The Best Agencies To Learn Planning.

    Disclaimer: I am currently working for thjnk in Hamburg. End of last year I’ve conducted a short online survey. I was curious to find out which advertising agencies Strategic Planners consider good places to learn the craft. So I asked where they would send their children to pick up the knowledge. Due to poor attendance…

  • 3 Insights on Location-based Advertising

    Advertising messages have always been sent through one or more channels. With the advent of new technologies there secretly is hope for new and better ways to reach specific target audiences. One of those developments is the rapid spread of GPS enabled smartphones and the growth of location-based services (LBS) that allow marketers for disseminate…

  • There’s No Such Thing As “The Next Big Thing”

    Dear advertisers, dear creative people, dear marketers. Let me tell you one thing, for we all know right now you are out there, desperately seeking for it. It, the next big thing, the solution to all your problems, the path to glory and honour. I have to disappoint you, there is no such thing as…

  • Advertising Is A Ball Game

    It’s easy to read disappointment or frustration into this post. But it’s probably more a naive curiosity that keeps me wondering why people in our business – the creative business – spend so much time preparing keynotes to back up our latest idea with successful examples of other agencies, companies, or organizations creations. (I said…